Showing content tagged with: licking

Expert Advice: Health Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts?
Dogs lick their butts for many reasons. These can include boredom or medical issues. Obsessive attention to their rears calls for a vet visit.
/expert-advice/health/why-dogs-lick-their-butts/ | August 29, 2023
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel laying down on the couch.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Lick the Furniture?
Aside from catching the occasional crumb, why do dogs lick furniture or rugs obsessively? It may be a coping mechanism for something deeper.
/expert-advice/advice/why-dogs-lick-furniture/ | September 21, 2020
Expert Advice: Dental Health ​Can a Dog’s Lick Make You Sick?
Be honest: Do you ever let your dog kiss you on the face? According to a recent article in The New York Times, if you do, you may be putting your health at risk. Dogs’ mouths, like ours, are warm and moist, making them Petri dishes for bacteria. (Be honest again: How often do you […]
/expert-advice/health/can-a-dogs-lick-make-you-sick/ | October 27, 2016

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