Showing content tagged with: crate training
Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
My Dog Pees In Her Crate
Ask AKC  Dear AKC: I have a 4-month-old German Shepherd Dog. She is wonderful, loving, sweet, and does all that she can to please. However, we have a big problem. She is peeing in her crate every night. I read that by 4 months this should stop - it hasn't. She comes out in the […]
| May 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
How Can I Get My Dog to Behave Quietly at Home?
Ask AKC Dear AKC: We have a ten-month-old puppy that we got when he was three-months-old from the local shelter. He has a lot of energy and when he runs around the house he knocks things over and jumps on the kids. I keep him out in the garage most of the day now because he […]
| May 12, 2015
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure
Ten Tips for Traveling With Your Dog
By Kathy SantoBefore you hit the road this summer, heed these safety tips. Get the paperwork together. For long trips, you should carry a recent photo of your dog and a copy of his health records, listing all of his recent vaccinations. Also: a collar with his I.D. tags attached. If you’re planning on being […]
| June 3, 2013