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Licensed Superintendents

Licensed Superintendents

To superintend events held under American Kennel Club rules, an individual must hold a license from AKC. The following is a list of Licensed who send out information regarding upcoming shows for which they are responsible. You may wish to contact the superintendent and request to be placed on their mailing lists.

Event Responsibilities a Club Cannot Transfer

BaRay Event Services, Inc.

Contact: Sheila Raymond

Business Address: 113 East Fairhaven Ave., Burlington, WA 98233

Mailing Address: Post Office Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233

Phone: (360) 755-7086

Fax: (360) 755-2248

Email: dogshows@barayevents.com


Executive Dog Shows, LLC.

Contact: Nina Fetter

Business Address: 1492 N. Thayer Rd., Lima, Ohio 45801

Mailing Address: PO Box 0478, Lima, Ohio 45802-0478

Phone: (567) 289-3890

Fax: (568) 601-2551



Foy Trent Dog Shows

Contact: Foy Trent

Business Address: 116 N Ogden, Sturgeon, MO 65284

Mailing Address: PO Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284

Phone: (573) 687-2101

Fax: (888) 685-8989

Email: mail@foytrentdogshows.com


Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

Contact: Jack Bradshaw

Mailing Address: 320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA  90503

Business Address: 320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA  90503

Phone: (323) 727-0136

Fax: (323) 727-2949

Email: mail@jbradshaw.com


Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764

Business Address: 3401 NE 23rd St., Oklahoma City, OK 73121

Phone: (405) 427-8181

Fax: (405) 427-5241

Email: mailroom@onofrio.com


MB-F, Inc.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107

Business Address: 620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406

Phone: (336) 379-9352

Fax: (336) 272-0864

California Office: (510) 724-4716

Florida Office: (352) 796-1816

Michigan Office: (248) 588-5000

Email: mbf@infodog.com


Rau Dog Shows, Ltd.

Contact: Kathleen Berkheimer

Mailing Addres: P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898

Business Address: 235 S. 2nd Ave., West Reading, PA 19611

Phone: (610) 376-1880

Fax: (610) 376-4939

Email: info@raudogshows.com
