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Agility: Exhibitor Resources

Jump Height Card

AKC Agility Policy and Measuring Procedure Guidelines

Who can perform official AKC agility measurements?

  • Volunteer Measuring Officials (VMO) approved by AKC.**
  • AKC Agility Field Representatives**
  • AKC Director of Agility**


Measuring Procedures — Who has to be measured by the Judge of Record at an event?

  • Any dog that has never been measured by an official and has not received a yellow measuring form for AKC to record the measurement.


All dogs competing in agility must possess an Official AKC or valid yellow measuring form. If you have received any of the following, you should not be measured by the Judge of Record, unless they are also an AKC VMO and performing official measurements that day:

  • A permanent jump height card issued by AKC.
  • A valid temporary jump height yellow measuring form for dogs between 15 months of age and up to two years of age. (A temporary jump height yellow measuring form does expire on the dog’s second birthday.)
  • One copy of a yellow measuring form dated on or after the dog’s second birthday.
  • Copies of two different yellow measuring forms (both of which place the dog in the same height class) dated on or after the dog’s second birthday.
  • Copies of two different yellow measuring forms (which place the dog in two different jump height classes) dated on or after the dog’s second birthday.
  • Copies of three different yellow measuring forms (two of which place the dog in the same height class) dated on or after the dog’s second birthday.


If a dog does not have any of the above forms it must be measured by the Judge of Record, a VMO, or an AKC Agility Field Representative before they will be allowed to run.


How does the measuring process work?

For the judge’s planning purposes, the Trial Secretary should provide the judge with a list of dogs that need to be measured. This list is comprised from all the entries for the trial where “My Dog Needs To Be Measured” was check-marked on the entry form.

  • If an AKC Agility Field Representative or a Volunteer Measuring Official (VMO) is present at the event the following dogs must be measured for a regardless of the jump height they entered. All dogs that have not:
    • Completed all of the required measurements for a permanent to be issued by AKC, or
    • That do not have a valid Temporary jump height yellow measuring form (for dogs under 2 years old)
  • If a VMO or Field Rep. is available, the dog must be measured before it runs.
  • If a VMO or Field Rep. is not available to measure the dog before it runs, then the Judge of Record needs to measure the dog prior to running, only if they have not previously been officially measured.
    • Dogs jumping in the 24 and 26-inch jump height are excluded from being measured by the judge of record.
    • Any dog that has been officially measured at least once and has a yellow measuring form that has not expired on their second birthday does not have to be measured by the Judge of Record.


How do I get an official permanent AKC ?

When there is an official to measure dogs at an event, they will have Agility Measurement forms available for owner’s to fill in with their ownership information and their dog’s information. This form is signed by the owner and presented to the official.

If your dog is measured twice in one day, the last measurement taken in the day is the “official” one effective from that point forward. There is a time noted on all measurement forms to determine which form is the current measurement.


For dogs two (2) years old and older:

  • At two (2) years of age two measurements are required by two different “Officials” (VMO’s, AKC Agility Field Reps, or Director of Agility).
  • If these two measurements put the dog in two different agility jump heights, then a third measurement is required to determine the dog’s official jump height.
  • The handler will retain all yellow measuring forms until the second (or third) measurement is taken and the permanent jump height card is received from AKC. These yellow forms are your official documents.
  • No permanent height card will be issued by AKC until the final (second or third) measurement is officially recorded. Keep your yellow forms until you receive the jump height card from AKC.

There is an exception for dogs measuring over 22 inches. For these dogs, the owner may request AKC to issue a permanent jump height card after only one official measurement:

  • The owner’s request to issue a permanent card for a dog that measures over 22 inches after only one measurement will negate the option of any additional measurements for that dog’s permanent jump height card.
  • To receive the card after only one measurement, the owner must sign and check the appropriate box on the Agility Measurement Form acknowledging the request to issue a permanent jump height card for dogs over 22 inches.
  • When the owner makes this decision, it still allows for them to request a “challenge” measurement for the dog using the Challenge Measurement Process in the future if they choose to do so.


What if my dog isn’t two (2) years old yet?

  • For dogs between 15 months and two (2) years of age, only one measurement is required for an official Temporary measurement.
  • The handler will retain the yellow measuring form and this form is the dog’s Temporary jump height card; no card will be issued by AKC.
  • This temporary jump height card form expires on the dog’s second birthday.
  • Once the dog turns two (2) years old, they must be measured as indicated above.


What if my dog cannot be measured?

If a dog either displays threatening or menacing behavior, or attacks a VMO or Field Rep. while being measured, the behavior must be reported to Event Committee for an investigation to determine if the dog should be disqualified and/or asked to leave the show grounds. The Judge of Record should also be notified that the dog could not be measured.

Any dog presented for measurement that is unable to be measured by the Judge of Record due to aggression must be excused by the judge. Dogs that cannot be measured for any other reason by the Judge of Record should receive an NQ in the catalog for all classes entered that day.


What if my dog is measured and is now eligible for a lower jump height?

  • If a dog is measured by an AKC Field Representative, Director of Agility or Volunteer Measuring Official (VMO) and is now eligible to jump in a lower height class, the measurement is effective immediately, except during the Challenge Measurement Process (see below).


Challenge Measurement Process: What if I disagree with the original official measurement for my dog?

Dogs under two (2) years of age:

  • For dogs between 15 months and prior to their second birthday, a handler may “challenge” the official measurement their dog received.
  • The measuring official shall be informed that the handler would like a “challenge” measurement and shall check the challenge box on the form.
  • For dogs under two (2) years, only one measurement is required for the Challenge Measurement Process.
  • Once the single challenge measurement is complete for a dog under two (2) years of age, the measurement is effective immediately.

Dogs two (2) years old and older:

  • After the age of two (2) years, the owner of a dog is allowed to make use of the Challenge Measurement Process one-time over the dog’s lifetime.
  • The Challenge Measurement Process mimics the original measuring process and consists of a minimum of two (2) official challenge measurements.
    • No changes to the dog’s official measurement will be effective until the entire Challenge Measurement Process has been completed.
    • Until such time that the dog has received all required challenge measurements, the dog must continue to compete at the “original” jump height.
  • If the first two challenge measurements place the dog into the same jump height class, then AKC will issue a new permanent jump height card.
  • If the first two challenge measurements put the dog in two different jump heights, then a third challenge measurement is required to determine the dog’s official jump height class.
  • Once the Challenge Measurement Process has been completed (with two or three measurements) and the owner has the yellow forms from the measurements, the new measurement is effective immediately.
  • The last measurement (based on date and time) from this process is the official measurement for the dog. This measurement should be listed on all future entry forms.
  • AKC will record all of the challenge measurements and will issue a replacement permanent agility for the dog.

Misrepresentation of a dog, including altering information on a , is grounds for misconduct. Exhibitors should carry the original valid official or the official yellow measuring forms at each trial to present upon request.

Jump height cards (including copies) do not have to be submitted to the trial secretary nor are jump height cards required to be shown during check-in, but are required to be in the handler’s possession at each event. If a measurement is necessary, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to have their dog(s) measured prior to running.


Lost, Stolen, Forgotten Cards / Change of Ownership:

  • The initial permanent jump height card will be sent to the owner of record free of charge.
  • If an exhibitor has lost their card or if it was stolen, they should contact the Companion Events department at (919) 816-3575, or by e-mail at AgilHtCards@akc.org for a replacement. Lost cards will be replaced at a fee of $15.00.
  • For Lost or Forgotten cards, the exhibitor will fill out a height card form at the trial and provide that to the measuring official. The exhibitor must write on the form “Forgot Card” or “Lost Card.” The exhibitor will present it to the event secretary to check-in for the trial and return the form to the measuring official. This form (both yellow and white copies) will be sent to the AKC for verification.
  • If ownership has changed for a dog that has a permanent jump height card, the new owner should contact the Companion Events department at (919) 816-3575, or by e-mail at AgilHtCards@akc.org for a replacement card. Cards will be replaced for a fee of $15.00 and will reflect the new ownership information.
  • All exhibitors should carry the original valid AKC official or yellow form with them to each trial, in order to present upon request.
  • Misrepresentation of a dog, including altering information on a , is grounds for misconduct.